2 digit and 2 digit addition with no regrouping.
Using addition algorithms add 3 digit and 2 digit numbers with no regrouping.
Using addition algorithms add 3 digit numbers with no regrouping.
Fill in the missing numbers to solve the addition problems with no regrouping.
2 digit and 2 digit addition with a mixture of regrouping and no regrouping.
Using addition algorithms add 3 digit and 3 digit numbers with regrouping.
3 Digit and 3 Digit addition questions with a mixture of regrouping and no regrouping.
Fill in the missing numbers to solve the addition problems with regrouping.
Plan the perfect holiday by adding the prices of transport, accomodation, luggage and any extras.
Round the price to the nearest dollar. Use these amounts to order food for lunch and estimate the total.
Find the missing number by using inverse relationships.
Use the partitioning strategy to answer the 2 digit addition questions.
Learn how to use the compensation strategy to solve the 2 digit addition problems.
Use the jump strategy to solve the 2 digit addition problems.
Use the jump strategy to solve the 3 digit addition questions.
Use the near double strategy to solve the 2 digit addition problems.
A printable game where students spin a 3 digit and 2 digit number to add together.
Help at the donut shop to solve the 3 digit addition problems.
A print and play game where students need to make a number closest to 100.
A print and play game where students need to make a number closest to 1000.
An open-ended tool to show the 'Part-Part-Whole Model' for addition and subtraction.
Interactive fingers to demonstrate maths problems.
A great open ended resource to demonstrate addition on a ten frame.
An open-ended teaching tool that can be used to demonstrate sums.
Demonstrate maths problems by dragging pictures into a scene.
An open ended resource that can be used to display ten frames.
An open ended resource that can be used to display base ten blocks.
Demonstrate the use of a number line by adding blocks instead of jumps.
An interactive number line with ten frames.
An open ended resource that can be used to display a number line up to 30.
Demonstrate addition and subtraction facts to 20.
Answer the addition questions around the dartboard.
Answer addition questions within 2 minutes to make a big smoothie.
Answer the addition question by clicking on the right mummy.
A fast paced game to practise addition facts.
Use a number chart to add 10 to a given number.
Try to sink the submarine by adding 10 to the number.
Catch the dropping marbles to add up to the given number.
Watch the egg change into a butterfly by answering the addition questions.
Help the animals by answering addition and subtraciton word problems.
Use adding skills to create fearsome feasts for the fussiest foodies!
Score a goal by answering the addition questions.
Quickly add 3 numbers together before the hot air balloons fall out of the sky.
Sort the mail into the right boxes by answering the addition questions.
Race against the clock to answer as many number fact questions in 1 minute.
Drag the robot to the correct less than or more than question.
Shoot the space ship with the correct addition question answer.
Take turns to drag numbers to add up to the target number.
A great game of quick recall of number facts.
A great resource that demonstrates simple addition by counting on.
Find the answer to the addition questions by bridging to the next 10.
Answer the generated addition problems using the column.
Add the given numbers using partitioning.
Solve the addition problems by bridging to the nearest 10.
Answer addition or subtraction questions using a number line.