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Learning Clock - Minutes

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of time-telling mastery? Introducing our latest free resource: "Learning Clock - Minutes." Designed for students from kindergarten up to year 4, this interactive clock offers a hands-on approach to understanding the passage of time while honing time-telling skills in an engaging and immersive way.


An Interactive Approach to Time-Telling"

Learning Clock - Minutes" takes time-telling to a whole new level with its

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interactive design. Here's how it works:

  1. Clock Construction: Students begin by assembling their very own clock, complete with numbers from 1 to 12. But the magic happens when they lift up the numbers: underneath each number is another circle revealing how many minutes would have passed if the minute hand were pointing to that number.

  2. Exploration and Discovery: As students lift up the numbers and discover the hidden minutes beneath, they gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between clock numbers and the passage of time. Whether it's 15 minutes for the number 3 or 30 minutes for the number 6, students explore and internalize these concepts through hands-on interaction.


Benefits of "Learning Clock - Minutes"

  • Interactive Learning: By physically lifting up the numbers to reveal hidden minutes, students actively engage with time-telling concepts, promoting deeper comprehension and retention.

  • Visual and Tactile Exploration: The combination of visual and tactile elements in this resource appeals to a variety of learning styles, making it accessible and engaging for all students.

  • Versatile Use: "Learning Clock - Minutes" is suitable for students of varying ages and abilities, from kindergarten to year 4, making it a versatile resource for classrooms, homeschool environments, and parent-led learning activities.


Download Your Free "Learning Clock - Minutes" Resource Today!

Ready to embark on a journey of time-telling discovery? Click the button below to download your free "Learning Clock - Minutes" resource and watch as your students explore the fascinating world of time with hands-on excitement.

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