Spin a 3 digit number, then write it in expanded form.
Play a number version of Wordle to practise place value of 4 digit numbers.
Put the 5 Digit Numbers in order from smallest to largest.
A great open ended resource to use with MAB to make 3 digit and 4 digit numbers.
A printable game where the student look for and identify 3 digit numbers.
Write the expanded form for any 3 digit number.
Use knowledge of place value to fill in the missing numbers from the hundred chart pieces.
Fill in the missing numbers using numbers before, numbers after, 10 before and 10 after.
Spin the spinner 3 times then use the numbers make the smallest number and the biggest number.
Spin the spinner 4 times then use the numbers make the smallest number and the biggest number.
Spin the wheel to make a 4 digit number, then ad 1, 10 and 100 to it and take off 1, 10 and 100.
Pick a number of the day and investigate its properties.
Investigate numbers to 100 with this printable hundreds square.
Cut out the 3 digit numbers and glue them in order from smallest to biggest.
Cut out the 4 digit numbers and glue them in order from smallest to biggest.
Game where players choose to place a numeral in the hundreds, tens or ones position.
Game where players choose to place a numeral in the thousands, hundreds, tens or ones position.
A print and play game where students need to make a number closest to 100.
A print and play game where students need to make a number closest to 1000.
A great open ended number square teachers can use for a variety of maths lessons.
Demonstrate 3 digit numbers using arrow cards, an abacus and place value bricks.
Demonstrate counting forwards or backwards by flipping cards over.
An open ended resource where children count rocks.
Display numbers up to millions and down to 6 decimal places.
A great open ended resource to demonstrate numbers on a tens frame.
An open ended resource that can be used to display multiple tens frames.
An open ended resource that can be used to display base 10 blocks.
An open ended resource that can be used to display a number line up to 30.
An interactive number line with tens frames.
Arrange the leaves in order from smallest to biggest.
Listen to the number and deliver mail it to the correct door.
Look at the Base 10 blocks and click on the corresponding number.
Find a number between the two given numbers.
Place the numbers in the correct order along the dinosaur's back.
Look at the card and decide if the next card will be higher or lower.
Place the rubber band on the number line while the numbers are hidden.
Count forwards or backwards by 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s or 12s.
Count by ones to find the correct car to crash into.
Use the base 10 blocks to make the 1, 2 or 3 digit numbers given.
Use Base 10 blocks to play bingo with units, tens, hundreds and/or thousands.
Rescue the swimmer by using knowledge of ones, tens and hundreds.
Use knowledge of 4 digit whole number to reach the target number in 20 turns.
Use knowledge of 3 digit whole number to reach the target number in 20 turns.
A great resource to learn and practice using Roman numerals.
Find the given number represented with Base 10 Blocks.
Pick from level 1 to 3 and then round the given numbers.
Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest to build the blocks into outer space.