A step by step instruction for converting fractions, decimals and percentages.
What percentage of the square is coloured in?
Find the equivalent fraction, decimal and percentage to complete the table.
A percentage game where the player who colours in the largest overall percentage is the winner.
Percentage Posters that can be displayed in classrooms or glued in workbooks.
Design a zoo on the grid. Make sure each animal has the right percentage of space.
A great tool for teachers to demonstrate decimals.
A great open ended teaching tool that uses tiles to represent different decimals.
Display numbers up to millions and down to 6 decimal places.
Complete the puzzle by matching the fractions, decimals and percentages.
A great game where children use given percentages to design a school.
Find the place on the number line for the given percentage.
Match the given fractions to the percentages to knock down the wall.